Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Snow Graffiti

How amazing is this? My friends in Denmark sent me this greeting last winter. I call it Snow Graffiti! Incredible how an email from thousands of miles away can warm you up on a cold day! Thanks Henrik, Nina and Malena. . . you made my day!
Speaking of cold days, we are in a cold week. Highs in the mid 30's and lows in the teens!! For me, this is cold but I am glad for a bit of snow. Pictures of that later.
I promised an update this weekend but I slipped a little. Suffice to say that I had a great weekend at church and then with friends at "Evita" and ZoZo's in Reno,NV. I had so much fun, I didn't update the blog at all. . . notably, I didn't work either. How did that happen?
Now I really need to go to bed but I want you to see my Pastors' blogs about the show last Friday night. First, the stage, - it was awesome to be a small part helping out on it. I worked with a great group of folks - REALLY great folks.
And then what happened on Friday night at the performance:
good night!

1 comment:

Jeanne said...

Mike! I finally found your blog. You need some updates!!
