Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Too many things to say . . .

Yep, I know you're not surprised about that. I have alot to say tonight - 1/2 tonight and the rest this weekend.

Tonight I am grateful for a few things. Are you grateful for things everyday, all year long?? or is it just during the holidays?? I try really hard to be grateful for all of the blessings in my life everyday. Today, I am so grateful that it spills over here.

Grateful for friends. . . man, do I ever have great friends. Have you ever noticed that when you haven't talked to a real friend for some time, that when you finally do, it seems as though no time has passed??

I have a group of guys that I only see once a year for a camping trip, and when we get together you wouldn't believe we only see each other once a year.

I have a couple of friends in Denmark and I get excited every time I get an email from them . . . . and they have great kids too. . . who want to try out their English skills. . . so maybe we will get to help them. NOTE TO M - remember, your English is ALOT better than my Danish - don't worry about making mistakes!

I have close friends in Fresno/Clovis and AZ that are supporting me right this minute. They have watched me make this move to Nevada and prayed for me and listened to me gripe when it isn't fun.

And I am glad to say that my family are some of my best friends too.

So, tonight I am grateful for friends. What are you grateful for? Here is a short list of other things I am grateful for, maybe it will help you get started. . . Jesus, my family, my church, my pastors, my job, my home, music (nope, not gonna start singing), and Starbuck's (sorry, but you knew it was in there somewhere!!). I could go on and on, but now it's your turn, what are you grateful for??

Yes, there is a hidden message in the picture above but only one family in Denmark knows who it is for. . . .

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